Why Invest in Kids?
One-size education does not fit all.
When a student is educated in an environment where they thrive, we all win. From parents and educators to children actively preparing for a fulfilling and economically productive future.
Supporting Invest in Kids means you believe every Nebraska family deserves the right to access the best educational environment for their child.
The freedom to choose the right education for a Nebraska child should be in the hands and hearts of the parent or guardian, regardless of their income bracket.
Urge your state senator to Invest in Kids during the next legislative session by advocating for school choice.

The Benefits of Taxpayer Credits
Tax-credit scholarships from privately funded nonprofits provide low-income and working-class families the opportunity to choose the best educational environment—be it public or private—for their kids.

Common Misconceptions
Everyone learns differently. Some students excel in public school while others find great success in private school. Misconceptions about what school choice is and how it affects families, school systems and our state shouldn’t stand in the way of opportunity.